Education & Workforce Development > Sector Partnerships

Kamaaina Come Home - Engineering

Your Connection to Hawaii’s Engineering Industry Starts Here.

Kama`aina Come Home ® is a job placement program and is trademarked by and used with permission from the Hawaii Island Economic Development Board.

Get Support to Transition Home from Hawaii’s Engineering Leaders

Are you a kamaaina college student studying engineering on the continent? Or a mid-career engineering professional who wants to return to Hawaii to work?

Hawaii’s engineering leaders want to support you in your transition home. Join the Kamaaina Come Home – Engineering network and you will receive:

  • 1:1 Transition Mentorship by a local Engineering Executive
  • Access to Job Opportunities in Hawaii
  • Invitations to Networking Events

Re-discover opportunities in Hawaii’s exciting and high-growth engineering sector and let Kamaaina Come Home help make your transition home easier.

Get connected

LinkedIn Group

Build your local professional network through our exclusive LinkedIn group.

Take your connection to the Kamaaina Come Home network one step further by joining our LinkedIn group. Be the first to know of upcoming opportunities in Hawaii and engage directly with Hawaii engineers through this affinity group.

1:1 Transition Mentorship

Navigate reentry to Hawaii’s engineering workforce with the guidance and support of a local engineering executive

Get paired with a local engineering executive who will support your transition home.

Mentorship Program Benefits:

  • Professional Network Expansion 

  • Strategic Goal Setting & Career Planning

  • Targeted Competency Development

  • Job-Seeking Support

Are you a Hawaii based engineering professional interested in getting involved?

Explore Opportunities


Annual job openings


Job growth from 2020-2030

Engineering Job Opportunities in Hawaii

Explore exciting career opportunities in Hawaii’s high-growth engineering sector.

 Job Board hosted by University of Hawaii’s College of Engineering>

Explore Hawaii-based engineering opportunities for every career stage on UH Manoa’s College of Engineering job board.

Networking Events

Connect with industry leaders, build valuable relationships and advance your career at our industry networking events.

Join us on Saturday, December 21st from 10am to 2pm for our networking event at the HTDC Holiday Tech Job Fair!

Network with engineering executives and learn about opportunities at home. 

HTDC Job Fair Flyer

Connect with Hawaii’s Engineering Professional Societies

Engage with Hawaii’s engineering societies for networking opportunities, professional development and a stronger connection to the local engineering community.

Engineering Societies Logos

Mahalo to our industry, education and community partners in the Engineering Sector Partnership.