Education & Workforce Development > Sector Partnerships

Information Technology

Information Technology Sector Partnership is an industry-led, community-supported workforce development collaborative that builds a local, skilled talent pipeline for Hawaii’s high-growth IT sector and strengthens the local economy.

Information Technology Sector Partnership Logo

About the Program

The Information Technology Sector Partnership brings industry leaders, secondary and post-secondary educators, government officials and community partners together for collective action to build Hawaii’s Kindergarten-to-Career IT talent pipeline.

Together, our goal is to improve student preparedness and increase the number of students in the IT pipeline. Our vision is that for every open IT role in Hawaii, there will be a qualified local candidate. 

Chamber of Commerce Hawaii serves as the sector convener, with critical support from Department of Labor & Industrial Relations and AE Consulting.

We work closely with University of Hawaii and Hawaii Department of Education pilot school partners in the Campbell, Leilehua and Kauai school complexes to build Kindergarten-to-Career pathways. Employers provide high- quality, work-based learning opportunities for students and teachers.

Priority Workgroups

Employers determine workforce development priorities, with each focus area supported by an employer-led workgroup. These workgroups drive the initiatives that help build a robust and sustainable talent pipeline, guiding students from education to successful careers in technology.

Work-Based Learning for Students & Educators

Tech Days
Downtown IT Expedition 
Field Trips
Educator Externships

Career Awareness

Exposing students to career paths in IT, with awareness opportunities for students and parents beginning in elementary school. 

Discover IT Career Pathways >

Training & Transitions to Employment

Integrating industry insights to align IT curricula with workforce demands, ensuring students gain the skills needed for successful careers in IT.

Good Jobs Technology Course Offerings >

Alignment Between Education & Industry

Ensuring that the skills taught in academic programs are aligned with the competencies needed by Hawaii’s IT employers.

Information Technology Workforce Needs Report

Explore the data that drives the IT Sector Partnership. This analysis guides our efforts to align educational programs with industry demands and develop a skilled workforce for Hawaii’s technology sector.

Information Technology Sector Metrics & Outcomes

As of Summer 2024

Mahalo to Our Steering Committee

Ed Barnabas, Booz Allen Hamilton

Nik Daubert, Pacxa

Ryan Field, Bank of Hawaii

Greg Hester, CIO Council & Ulu HI-Tech

Wayne Inouye, HTDC

Elden Ito, RVCM

Jodi Ito, CyberHI & University of Hawaii

Peter Lewis, Hawaii Pacific Health

Edward Ontai, DataHouse

Jennifer Sabas, Hawaii Defense Alliance

Deena Tearney, Pacific Point

Leslie Wilkins, MEDB STEMworks

Karen Yamamoto, DRC

Garret Yoshimi, University of Hawaii


Find presentation materials and recordings of recent convenings here.

Strengthen Hawaii’s IT WORKFORCE Pipeline

Strengthen Hawaii’s IT workforce pipeline by joining your industry peers in the IT Sector Partnership. Together, we can continue to build a stronger future for Hawaii’s IT workforce.

Mahalo to Our Funders & Partners

Information Technology Sector Partnership Funders and Partners Logos