Economic Development, Government and Community Relations

Impact SmallBiz Accelerator

presented by HTDC

A partnership between Chamber of Commerce Hawaii and Hawaii Technology Development Corporation, the Impact SmallBiz Accelerator Program is a 5-month statewide program designed to support small businesses and early-stage entrepreneurs, fostering growth to diversify and fortify Hawaii’s economy through mentorship, training and an opportunity to showcase their business.

Open to all eligible businesses in Hawaii, the free five-month program offers mentorship, training and opportunity to showcase their business. Two cohorts composed of 8 businesses each will run as follows:
  • Cohort 1: September 2024 – January 2025
  • Cohort 2: November – March 2025

This initiative is part of the Chamber’s 2030 Blueprint Plan, a large-scale transformative master plan to shape Hawaii’s economic future as a top place to do business.
IMPACT Small Biz Accelerator


Entrepreneurs who work with a mentor are three times more likely to stay in business. A 2018 MicroMentor Impact report found that 75 percent of entrepreneurs globally who received mentoring increased their revenue and 82 percent survived their first one or two years in business, a crucial hurdle for startups.

Professional Development Training

According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, small businesses have these failure rates in their first two years: 20 percent in the first year and 31 percent in the second. The Chamber’s pilot accelerator aims to give small, local businesses a better survival rate.

Meet Cohort 1

HI Frequency Imaging

Meet the Mentors

Len Higashi

Len Higashi
Edge Velo LLC

Brian Kealoha

Brian Kealoha
Chief Growth & Impact Officer
Vermont Energy Investment Corporation

Stan Lau

Stan Lau
CEO & Founder
Hawaii Tech Support

Sandy Narvaez

Sandy Narvaez
Market Director of Leisure Sales
Marriott Hawai‘i

Edward Ontai

Edward Ontai

Kurt Osaki

Kurt Osaki
President & CEO
Osaki Creative Group

Erin Uehara

Erin Uehara
Owner & Chocolate Connections Officer

Eric Yeaman

Eric Yeaman
Managing Partner
Hoku Capital LLC

Meet the Trainers

Stacey Katakura

Stacey Katakura

John Knorek

John Knorek
Torkildson Katz A Law Corporation

Mari Villa

Mari Villa
Villa Business Consulting Group

Cynthia Yamasaki

Cynthia Yamasaki
Oahu Center Director
Hawaii Small Business Development Center

Meet Cohort 2

Meet the Mentors

Bob Barrett

Bob Barrett
President & Co-Owner
Coastal Windows, Inc.

Joy Barua

Joy Baruya
President & Chief Operations Officer
Finance Insurance

Scott Cooley

Scott Cooley
Founder & President
Indevtech Incorporated

Stacey Katakura

Stacey Katakura
CEO & Founder

Don Mangiarelli

Don Mangiarelli
Owner/General Manager
Enterprise Technology Solutions, LLC

Chamber of Commerce Hawaii

James Murray
JM Finish Carpentry

Jean Santos

Jean Santos
President & Founding Partner
Business Consulting Resources

Steve Sue

Steve Sue
O-WOW, Inc.

Clifton Yasutomi

Clifton Yasutomi
Managing Partner
Mission Financial Group

Meet the Trainers

Ben Ancheta Jr

Ben Ancheta Jr.
Inkinen & Associates

Brandon Asuncion

Brandon Asuncion

Stacey Katakura

Stacey Katakura
CEO & Founder

Ryan Hamagushi

 Ryan Hamaguchi
Cades Shutte LLP

Mari Villa

Mari Villa
Villa Business Consulting Group

Caroline Witherspoon

Caroline Witherspoon
Becker Communications

Cynthia Yamasaki

Cynthia Yamasaki
Oahu Center Director
Hawaii Small Business Development Center